Just let us know within ten days and you'll have our no-fuss exchange arrive promptly at your doorstep. We will mail you the replacement item with no added shipping charge. This offer applies to a one-time exchange per order.

Returns, Exchanges and Refunds Policies:
We carefully create each of our products to ensure the highest quality. We want you to feel very satisfied with your purchase, and understand that web shopping entails making purchases "sight unseen".
We have very strict quality control , but in the unlikely event that you receive a defective product, we will pay the cost of shipping it back to us and will give you either an exchange or a refund , whichever you prefer.
Cancelled orders:
There will be a $4.00 order cancellation fee to cover credit card processing expenses.

Damaged Goods:
If you receive a damaged product, please retain the packaging and notify us immediately. You will be asked to submit the damaged package to the shipper to apply for reimbursement. If it is determined that the product was damaged by the shipper, A replacement product will be sent . If you have not received your product after 10 business days , please contact us.

Contact Us:
Telephone : (360) 894-1481, Monday—Friday 9 am — 5pm Pacific Standard Time
Email : CustomerService@infinitevoyager.com